Stranger has to make a decision

S2E6 00:24:56—00:27:02

Named Speaking Characters

The Stranger

Subtitle Speech Lines

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00:24:59 00:25:01 Bombadil The Dark Wizard found his staff.
00:25:02 00:25:06 Bombadil And now, the time has come for you to find yours.
00:25:09 00:25:10 The Stranger Oh!
00:25:12 00:25:14 The Stranger Which one is it?
00:25:16 00:25:20 Bombadil You'll find your true staff only when the vision of your heart
00:25:20 00:25:23 Bombadil is single to the service of the Secret Fire.
00:25:23 00:25:24 The Stranger But there are so many.
00:25:25 00:25:27 The Stranger One could spend months searching out there.
00:25:28 00:25:30 Bombadil You have all the time you need.
00:25:31 00:25:33 Bombadil Unless, there is somewhere else you wish to be.
00:25:36 00:25:39 The Stranger I saw her. Nori.
00:25:40 00:25:41 The Stranger She was...
00:25:41 00:25:45 The Stranger Somehow, I know that unless I find her soon, she will die.
00:25:46 00:25:47 The Stranger Both of them will die.
00:25:48 00:25:50 Bombadil Many that die deserve life.
00:25:51 00:25:52 Bombadil Some that live deserve death.
00:25:54 00:25:55 Bombadil Who are you to give it to them?
00:25:56 00:25:59 The Stranger Once I know that she's safe, I could return to you.
00:25:59 00:26:02 Bombadil No. You cannot.
00:26:04 00:26:09 Bombadil There are times when one path becomes two, and you must choose.
00:26:10 00:26:14 Bombadil Turn away now, and you can never return to this path.
00:26:15 00:26:17 The Stranger Is there no other way?
00:26:18 00:26:20 Bombadil Sauron rises in the west.
00:26:21 00:26:23 Bombadil A Dark Wizard in the east.
00:26:23 00:26:25 Bombadil Every soul in Middle-earth is in peril.
00:26:26 00:26:28 Bombadil Will you abandon them to their doom?
00:26:31 00:26:32 The Stranger She is my friend.
00:26:34 00:26:37 Bombadil Your friend or your destiny?
00:26:39 00:26:41 Bombadil The choice is yours.