The Trial of Elendil

S2E6 00:16:43—00:19:59

Named Speaking Characters


Subtitle Speech Lines

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00:16:51 00:16:52 Pharazôn Outlawry.
00:16:54 00:17:00 Pharazôn Incitement of a violent conflagration that led to loss of life.
00:17:01 00:17:05 Pharazôn And last, but most odious,
00:17:06 00:17:08 Pharazôn the crime of high treason.
00:17:09 00:17:15 Pharazôn Taken in sum, these hideous breaches of law warrant a sentence of death.
00:17:15 00:17:16 unnamed Yes!
00:17:20 00:17:22 unnamed He doesn't deserve to be put to death.
00:17:22 00:17:24 unnamed Well, maybe.
00:17:24 00:17:25 Pharazôn However,
00:17:27 00:17:30 Pharazôn given his many years of faithful service to our kingdom,
00:17:31 00:17:35 Pharazôn it is the judgment of this court that the accused be set free.
00:17:43 00:17:45 unnamed Set free...
00:17:48 00:17:54 Pharazôn Set free, provided, of course, he renounces his crimes
00:17:55 00:17:59 Pharazôn and pledges his loyalty to Númenor's true ruler.
00:18:05 00:18:10 Belzagar Elendil, son of Amandil, do you renounce your crimes?
00:18:23 00:18:24 Elendil I do.
00:18:27 00:18:32 Belzagar And do you accept Ar-Pharazôn as Númenor's true King?
00:18:43 00:18:44 Elendil I do not.
00:18:45 00:18:47 Pharazôn Speak louder, Elendil,
00:18:48 00:18:50 Pharazôn so that the assembled may hear you properly.
00:18:55 00:18:56 Elendil I do not!
00:18:59 00:19:05 Elendil For Númenor's true ruler is now, until the end of her days,
00:19:05 00:19:08 Elendil Míriel, daughter of Tar-Palantír!
00:19:11 00:19:15 Elendil And the only traitor here is you!
00:19:34 00:19:35 Kemen Now what are we to do with him?
00:19:36 00:19:38 Kemen You have done quite enough, boy.
00:19:42 00:19:45 Belzagar Perhaps we should let the Valar decide his fate.
00:19:47 00:19:50 Belzagar If The Faithful wish to live by the old traditions,
00:19:50 00:19:52 Belzagar they ought to die by them as well.