Gil-galad receives Celebrimbor’s letter while forging continues

S2E5 00:23:30—00:24:09

Named Speaking Characters


Subtitle Speech Lines

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00:23:33 00:23:35 Celebrimbor Most noble High King.
00:23:35 00:23:38 Celebrimbor I write this letter to convey my deep joy
00:23:38 00:23:41 Celebrimbor on hearing of the success of the Three Rings in Lindon.
00:23:42 00:23:48 Celebrimbor As requested, the forge is dark and the workshop is empty.
00:23:48 00:23:54 Celebrimbor A precious calm has settled over the city, and I foresee brighter days ahead.
00:23:54 00:23:57 Celebrimbor I hope you are able to make a visit soon.
00:23:57 00:24:00 Celebrimbor Until then, I remain as ever,
00:24:01 00:24:04 Celebrimbor your loyal servant, Lord Celebrimbor.