Kemen and Eärien talk

S1E5 00:14:02—00:14:53

Named Speaking Characters


Subtitle Speech Lines

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00:14:02 00:14:04 unnamed Risk Númenorean lives
00:14:04 00:14:07 unnamed for some grimy Southlander and a warmongering Elf?
00:14:07 00:14:09 unnamed Consul Pharazôn!
00:14:09 00:14:11 unnamed Why are you sending our kinsmen off to die?
00:14:11 00:14:14 Eärien Pharazôn! Pharazôn!
00:14:17 00:14:18 Eärien Pharazôn!
00:14:17 00:14:18 Kemen Come with me.
00:14:19 00:14:21 Kemen Forgive me for not sending word to you sooner. Been a trying week.
00:14:21 00:14:23 Eärien Why didn't he stop this?
00:14:23 00:14:25 Kemen He's loyal to her. Rightly or...
00:14:23 00:14:25 Eärien Wrongly.
00:14:25 00:14:27 Kemen There are many who feel as you do.
00:14:27 00:14:29 Kemen Not enough to sway him yet, but given the right push...
00:14:29 00:14:33 Eärien Then it must be you. He will listen to you.
00:14:34 00:14:37 Kemen When I speak, his ears close up.
00:14:41 00:14:43 Eärien So speak louder.