Gundabale is going to eject the newcomers

S2E4 00:40:11—00:40:46

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00:40:15 00:40:18 Gundabale Right, I've conferred with the village elders.
00:40:18 00:40:23 Gundabale You two are to be cast out at sunrise. Sorry, but Stoors must come first.
00:40:23 00:40:26 Nori Truth is, he was in your place...
00:40:29 00:40:31 Nori Sadoc likely would've done the same thing.
00:40:32 00:40:33 Gundabale Sadoc?
00:40:33 00:40:37 Poppy Our trail-finder. He was called Sadoc Burrows.
00:40:38 00:40:42 Gundabale Sadoc Burrows was your leader's name?