Adar vows to block the sun

S1E5 00:08:28—00:09:38

Named Speaking Characters


Subtitle Speech Lines

Until I get permission, results will not contain the full dialogue.

00:08:37 00:08:40 Grugzûk The tunnel(6 words)
00:08:44 00:08:48 Adar Your arm.(6 words)
00:08:57 00:08:58 Adar How does(4 words)
00:08:59 00:09:01 Grugzûk Like fire,(3 words)
00:09:03 00:09:07 Adar I wish(9 words)
00:09:09 00:09:11 Adar For soon,(6 words)
00:09:13 00:09:17 Adar And with(13 words)
00:09:21 00:09:23 Adar I shall(4 words)
00:09:26 00:09:29 Adar Summon the(6 words)