Isildur tells Theo about Númenor

S2E3 00:46:00—00:47:08

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00:46:16 00:46:18 Isildur This is from old Númenor.
00:46:18 00:46:22 Theo Some fountain. Barely spits a drop.
00:46:22 00:46:26 Isildur It's not a fountain. It's an aqueduct.
00:46:26 00:46:28 Isildur It's supposed to bring water into your homes.
00:46:30 00:46:32 Theo Men can't build things like that.
00:46:33 00:46:36 Isildur In Númenor, we can. You should see it.
00:46:37 00:46:40 Theo If it's so grand, why'd you leave?
00:46:41 00:46:43 Isildur Heard there were grander things in Middle-earth.
00:46:50 00:46:51 Theo D'you really want your horse back?
00:46:53 00:46:55 Isildur You know where he is?
00:46:56 00:46:59 Theo Meet me here. Tonight. Moonrise.
00:47:01 00:47:03 Theo Bring a sword.