Eärien conspires with Kemen and Pharazôn

S2E3 00:15:10—00:17:58

Named Speaking Characters


Subtitle Speech Lines

Until I get permission, results will not contain the full dialogue.

00:15:14 00:15:17 Kemen She's the(11 words)
00:15:17 00:15:21 Kemen She's suffered(10 words)
00:15:21 00:15:22 Kemen Why laugh?(5 words)
00:15:23 00:15:26 Pharazôn It is(13 words)
00:15:26 00:15:28 Belzagar All the(7 words)
00:15:29 00:15:31 Belzagar You were(9 words)
00:15:31 00:15:35 Belzagar Much of(12 words)
00:15:35 00:15:39 Belzagar And after(11 words)
00:15:42 00:15:45 Pharazôn "Many" is(8 words)
00:15:45 00:15:46 Belzagar Queen-regent.
00:15:48 00:15:49 Belzagar A blind(3 words)
00:15:51 00:15:55 Eärien What if(11 words)
00:15:59 00:16:01 Belzagar In the(13 words)
00:16:04 00:16:06 Eärien They might(8 words)
00:16:13 00:16:15 Belzagar There is(10 words)
00:16:25 00:16:26 Valandil Eärien?
00:16:29 00:16:31 Valandil Thought that(4 words)
00:16:31 00:16:33 Eärien Valandil.
00:16:34 00:16:36 Valandil You know,(6 words)
00:16:36 00:16:38 Valandil to keep(9 words)
00:16:38 00:16:40 Valandil What are(8 words)
00:16:40 00:16:42 Pharazôn We came(7 words)
00:16:40 00:16:42 Belzagar Hmm.
00:16:43 00:16:45 Valandil The Valar(7 words)
00:16:45 00:16:47 Valandil I should've(7 words)
00:16:47 00:16:49 Kemen Pity members(8 words)
00:16:50 00:16:53 Valandil Especially given(9 words)
00:16:55 00:16:58 Kemen Did you(6 words)
00:16:58 00:16:59 Valandil No, I(6 words)
00:17:02 00:17:05 Valandil I bled(8 words)
00:17:06 00:17:09 Valandil I watched(10 words)
00:17:09 00:17:12 Valandil To try(7 words)
00:17:16 00:17:20 Valandil You speak(13 words)
00:17:21 00:17:23 Valandil Have I(5 words)
00:17:26 00:17:28 Valandil Or need(8 words)
00:17:35 00:17:37 Kemen Plain enough(4 words)
00:17:48 00:17:50 Belzagar Well, I'd(7 words)
00:17:52 00:17:55 Pharazôn What was(9 words)