Tamar rabble-rousing in Armenelos

S1E4 00:04:44—00:05:07

Named Speaking Characters


Subtitle Speech Lines

Until I get permission, results will not contain the full dialogue.

00:04:44 00:04:46 Tamar She summoned(6 words)
00:04:46 00:04:48 Tamar Just this(3 words)
00:04:49 00:04:53 Tamar Elf's mate(12 words)
00:04:53 00:04:56 unnamed Probably she(9 words)
00:04:56 00:04:58 Tamar Or to(6 words)
00:04:59 00:05:03 Tamar And while(10 words)
00:05:03 00:05:06 Tamar who's speaking(4 words)