Celebrimbor invents moon letters

S2E2 00:45:09—00:46:11

Named Speaking Characters


Subtitle Speech Lines

Until I get permission, results will not contain the full dialogue.

00:45:20 00:45:22 Mirdania It's gone.
00:45:24 00:45:26 Celebrimbor Has it?
00:45:39 00:45:41 Celebrimbor I have(5 words)
00:45:41 00:45:44 Celebrimbor Made from(7 words)
00:45:44 00:45:48 Mirdania Out of(9 words)
00:45:49 00:45:50 Celebrimbor It is.
00:45:51 00:45:53 Celebrimbor Quite invisible.
00:45:59 00:46:02 Celebrimbor Our visitor,(5 words)
00:46:03 00:46:05 Mirdania The night(6 words)
00:46:06 00:46:09 Mirdania Shall I(6 words)