Elrond confides his misgivings to Círdan

S2E2 00:36:49—00:39:24

Named Speaking Characters


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00:36:49 00:36:50 Círdan Do you not wish to live in beauty?
00:36:51 00:36:54 Elrond Master Círdan, I cannot trust these Rings.
00:36:54 00:36:57 Elrond What is beauty, when it is born, in part, of evil?
00:36:58 00:36:59 Círdan No less beautiful.
00:37:01 00:37:02 Elrond Not to me.
00:37:02 00:37:05 Círdan Would you cast Rúmil's verses into the flame,
00:37:05 00:37:07 Círdan because the poet was a drunkard?
00:37:13 00:37:14 Elrond Rúmil was a drunkard?
00:37:16 00:37:19 Círdan Do not ask of Daeron.
00:37:20 00:37:21 Círdan Insufferable.
00:37:23 00:37:24 Círdan But a voice,
00:37:24 00:37:29 Círdan a voice that could make the very sun weep tears of fire.
00:37:32 00:37:34 Círdan Judge the work,
00:37:36 00:37:38 Círdan and leave judgment concerning those who wrought it
00:37:38 00:37:41 Círdan to the judge who sees all things.
00:37:41 00:37:43 Elrond That feels impossible.
00:37:45 00:37:47 Círdan It is called humility.
00:37:47 00:37:49 Círdan And it is difficult for most.
00:37:49 00:37:52 Círdan But it is the truest form of sight.
00:38:03 00:38:07 Elrond I wish I could know your peace.
00:38:09 00:38:10 Círdan You can.
00:38:17 00:38:20 Círdan We do not yet fully understand these Rings.
00:38:21 00:38:24 Círdan But look at the power they exert over every form of life.
00:38:31 00:38:35 Círdan In Sauron's hands, they could work an evil beyond reckoning,
00:38:35 00:38:38 Círdan dominating the minds and wills of all.
00:38:39 00:38:43 Círdan This is why they must remain in the hands of Elves.
00:38:45 00:38:49 Círdan You are wise to fear this power, Elrond.
00:38:51 00:38:56 Círdan But do not let that fear blind you to the ways it can be used for good.
00:38:59 00:39:02 Círdan For it is not your enemy, that bears these Rings...
00:39:04 00:39:08 Círdan But your most trusted friends.
00:39:08 00:39:12 Círdan If you believe they have strayed, do not abandon them,
00:39:12 00:39:17 Círdan but rather open your eyes and guide them...
00:39:18 00:39:22 Círdan Before the darkness spreads across Middle-earth,
00:39:22 00:39:24 Círdan and blinds us all.