Guardrim hunt the Adventurers

S2E2 00:21:33—00:24:20

Named Speaking Characters

The Stranger

Subtitle Speech Lines

Until I get permission, results will not contain the full dialogue.

00:21:36 00:21:39 Nori Ah, how(7 words)
00:21:40 00:21:43 Nori All I(11 words)
00:21:43 00:21:47 Nori The scorpion(9 words)
00:21:47 00:21:50 Nori That's how(6 words)
00:21:47 00:21:50 The Stranger That's how(6 words)
00:21:51 00:21:56 Poppy Couldn't you(12 words)
00:21:58 00:22:02 Nori He's afraid(9 words)
00:22:02 00:22:05 Poppy So we(12 words)
00:22:05 00:22:07 Nori Don't think(7 words)
00:22:07 00:22:08 The Stranger Silence.
00:22:10 00:22:11 Nori What is(3 words)
00:22:14 00:22:16 The Stranger On the(7 words)
00:22:18 00:22:20 Poppy Almost sounds(3 words)
00:22:18 00:22:20 Nori Hooves.
00:23:32 00:23:34 Kilta They're still(5 words)
00:23:45 00:23:47 Poppy Who were(3 words)
00:23:48 00:23:49 The Stranger I don't(3 words)
00:23:51 00:23:52 The Stranger They're watching(4 words)
00:23:53 00:23:55 The Stranger Meaning, we'd(7 words)
00:23:59 00:24:00 Nori We already(3 words)
00:24:08 00:24:09 Poppy Nobody goes(3 words)
00:24:10 00:24:13 Nori Nobody walks(3 words)
00:24:10 00:24:13 The Stranger Nobody walks(3 words)