Galadriel shares her visions

S2E2 00:11:18—00:12:10

Named Speaking Characters


Subtitle Speech Lines

Until I get permission, results will not contain the full dialogue.

00:11:22 00:11:27 Galadriel I tell(10 words)
00:11:28 00:11:32 Galadriel Sauron's plan(7 words)
00:11:32 00:11:33 Galadriel I know(3 words)
00:11:35 00:11:36 Gil-galad How?
00:11:39 00:11:42 Galadriel Since the(9 words)
00:11:44 00:11:45 Galadriel perceived...
00:11:46 00:11:48 Galadriel glimpses of(5 words)
00:11:50 00:11:54 Galadriel as dreams(10 words)
00:11:56 00:11:58 Gil-galad You believe(8 words)
00:11:58 00:12:01 Gil-galad to see(10 words)
00:12:04 00:12:05 Galadriel Have they(4 words)