Nori and the Stranger set off

S1E8 00:59:37—01:01:21

Named Speaking Characters

The Stranger

Subtitle Speech Lines

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00:59:45 00:59:48 The Stranger Are you certain?
00:59:45 00:59:48 Nori More than ever.
00:59:49 00:59:51 The Stranger Well, they're all waving at you.
00:59:52 00:59:56 Nori If I turn around, I won't ever be able to leave.
00:59:57 01:00:01 The Stranger Well, then perhaps it would be best if you lead off.
01:00:03 01:00:04 Nori Uh...
01:00:05 01:00:09 Nori Uh, now that it comes to it, my feet feel heavy as iron.
01:00:11 01:00:14 Nori Not to mention, I haven't an inkling which way to go.
01:00:16 01:00:17 The Stranger Ah.
01:00:19 01:00:20 The Stranger Hmm.
01:00:19 01:00:20 Nori Mmm.
01:00:27 01:00:28 The Stranger There it is.
01:00:29 01:00:31 Nori Are you sure?
01:00:32 01:00:33 The Stranger Not entirely.
01:00:34 01:00:37 The Stranger There's a sweet smell on the air this way.
01:00:40 01:00:43 The Stranger When in doubt, Elanor Brandyfoot...
01:00:45 01:00:47 The Stranger always follow your nose.