Disa and Durin discuss the fallout

S1E7 01:03:29—01:05:03

Named Speaking Characters


Subtitle Speech Lines

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01:03:35 01:03:36 Durin I failed him.
01:03:38 01:03:41 Durin It's all my fault.
01:03:43 01:03:44 Disa No.
01:03:45 01:03:46 Disa No, it isn't.
01:03:48 01:03:49 Durin Whose is it, then?
01:03:53 01:03:55 Disa It's your father's.
01:03:56 01:04:00 Disa He's grown too old, too suspicious.
01:04:01 01:04:03 Disa His mind, too feeble.
01:04:04 01:04:07 Disa His eyes too dim to see
01:04:07 01:04:10 Disa that no matter how many crests he hurls to the floor,
01:04:12 01:04:14 Disa one day this will be your kingdom.
01:04:17 01:04:19 Disa Durin IV's.
01:04:19 01:04:20 Disa Not your brother's.
01:04:22 01:04:26 Disa Not some other Dwarf-lord's. Yours.
01:04:27 01:04:29 Disa And mine.
01:04:30 01:04:35 Disa And together, we will rule this mountain and all others before our time is done.
01:04:39 01:04:42 Disa That mithril belongs to us.
01:04:43 01:04:45 Disa To you and me.
01:04:46 01:04:48 Disa And together, one day,
01:04:49 01:04:52 Disa we are going to dig.