Sadoc makes his speech

S1E3 00:43:10—00:46:56

Named Speaking Characters


Subtitle Speech Lines

Until I get permission, results will not contain the full dialogue.

00:43:21 00:43:25 Sadoc Most agreeable,(4 words)
00:43:31 00:43:34 Sadoc Another season(7 words)
00:43:34 00:43:38 Sadoc leaving us(8 words)
00:43:38 00:43:40 Sadoc Some fuller(10 words)
00:43:43 00:43:44 Sadoc Uh, what(3 words)
00:43:44 00:43:46 Sadoc The Moon(5 words)
00:43:46 00:43:49 Sadoc so be(10 words)
00:43:49 00:43:51 Sadoc It'll be(9 words)
00:43:51 00:43:53 Sadoc And nobody(4 words)
00:43:55 00:43:56 Sadoc I'm only(4 words)
00:43:56 00:44:00 Sadoc And now,(8 words)
00:44:01 00:44:04 Sadoc we remember(6 words)
00:44:06 00:44:08 Sadoc who fell(3 words)
00:44:06 00:44:08 unnamed Hear, hear.(2 words)
00:44:08 00:44:12 Sadoc And should(8 words)
00:44:13 00:44:16 Sadoc they likewise(7 words)
00:44:16 00:44:19 Sadoc in our(7 words)
00:44:24 00:44:27 Sadoc In life,(8 words)
00:44:29 00:44:34 Sadoc But here,(8 words)
00:44:43 00:44:45 Sadoc Miles Brightapple.
00:44:48 00:44:50 Sadoc Stuck in(8 words)
00:44:50 00:44:52 unnamed We wait(4 words)
00:44:56 00:44:58 Sadoc Chance Proudfellow.
00:45:00 00:45:02 Sadoc Yarrow Proudfellow.
00:45:04 00:45:07 Sadoc Strap, Dewis,
00:45:09 00:45:11 Sadoc Linseed Proudfellow.
00:45:12 00:45:15 Sadoc Taken by(7 words)
00:45:16 00:45:17 unnamed We wait(4 words)
00:45:28 00:45:29 Sadoc Daffodil Burrows.
00:45:31 00:45:32 Sadoc Wolves.
00:45:32 00:45:35 unnamed We wait(4 words)
00:45:38 00:45:41 Sadoc Druda Bumbelly.(8 words)
00:45:41 00:45:42 unnamed We wait(4 words)
00:46:10 00:46:12 Sadoc Blovo Bolgerbuck.
00:46:13 00:46:14 Sadoc Bees.
00:46:17 00:46:19 Sadoc We all(9 words)
00:46:20 00:46:21 unnamed We wait(4 words)
00:46:24 00:46:28 Sadoc Ma Hambley.(6 words)
00:46:41 00:46:43 unnamed We wait(4 words)