Míriel meets Elendil

S1E3 00:18:40—00:20:58

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00:18:43 00:18:47 Míriel The Faithful believe that when the petals of the White Tree fall,
00:18:47 00:18:49 Míriel it is no idle thing,
00:18:51 00:18:54 Míriel but the very tears of the Valar themselves.
00:18:55 00:18:59 Míriel A living reminder that their eyes
00:19:00 00:19:04 Míriel and their judgment are ever upon us.
00:19:10 00:19:12 Míriel Do you believe that?
00:19:12 00:19:15 Elendil In my experience, it is unwise to live one's life
00:19:15 00:19:17 Elendil guessing after signs and portents.
00:19:21 00:19:25 Míriel Elendil. An uncommon name.
00:19:26 00:19:28 Míriel From our western shores, is it not?
00:19:29 00:19:31 Elendil Mmm. It originates there.
00:19:31 00:19:33 Míriel Pray tell, what does it mean?
00:19:34 00:19:36 Elendil One who loves the stars.
00:19:37 00:19:39 Míriel That is not its only translation, is it?
00:19:43 00:19:45 Elendil In the ancient tongue of the Eldar,
00:19:45 00:19:47 Elendil it can also mean "Elf-friend."
00:19:47 00:19:51 Míriel And are you? An Elf-friend?
00:19:54 00:19:57 Elendil I'm a loyal servant of Númenor.
00:19:57 00:20:00 Míriel And yet, though Elves have been unwelcome on our shore
00:20:00 00:20:03 Míriel since the reign of my grandfather's great grandfather,
00:20:04 00:20:07 Míriel you chose to break with that precedent. Why?
00:20:08 00:20:10 Elendil It was the sea that put her in my path.
00:20:12 00:20:14 Elendil And the sea is always right.
00:20:15 00:20:16 Míriel The sea cannot commit treason.
00:20:22 00:20:24 Elendil With respect, Queen Regent,
00:20:24 00:20:28 Elendil given the circumstances, I did only what I believed to be most prudent.
00:20:29 00:20:33 Míriel If, Elendil, that is truly your wish,
00:20:35 00:20:39 Míriel then I shall have to ask you to perform a service.