Landing in Númenor

S1E3 00:08:57—00:11:01

Named Speaking Characters


Subtitle Speech Lines

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00:08:57 00:09:00 unnamed Is that an Elf?
00:08:57 00:09:00 unnamed See nothin'...
00:09:01 00:09:05 Halbrand Since when did Men like me build kingdoms such as this?
00:09:07 00:09:08 Galadriel These Men are not like you.
00:09:11 00:09:14 Galadriel In the Great War, your ancestors stood with Morgoth.
00:09:15 00:09:17 Galadriel These Men stood with the Elves.
00:09:18 00:09:21 Galadriel As a reward, the Valar granted them this island,
00:09:21 00:09:23 Galadriel which has changed much since then.
00:09:23 00:09:25 Halbrand Do I detect a note of envy?
00:09:26 00:09:27 Galadriel Not envy.
00:09:28 00:09:29 Galadriel Sorrow.
00:09:30 00:09:33 Galadriel Once, Elves came and went freely from these shores.
00:09:33 00:09:35 Galadriel Our people were as kin.
00:09:36 00:09:39 Galadriel Sharing gifts, knowledge.
00:09:39 00:09:40 Halbrand What happened?
00:09:40 00:09:42 Galadriel Númenor began to turn away our ships.
00:09:42 00:09:44 Galadriel In time, they broke off all contact.
00:09:44 00:09:46 Halbrand Why?
00:09:47 00:09:49 Galadriel We may be about to find out.
00:09:49 00:09:50 Elendil Keep moving.
00:09:52 00:09:55 Elendil You would not want to be lost here without an escort.
00:09:57 00:09:59 unnamed Put it with the others.
00:09:59 00:10:00 unnamed Too hot.
00:10:32 00:10:34 Pharazôn Patience. Patience.
00:10:34 00:10:36 Pharazôn We are men and women of Númenor.
00:10:37 00:10:41 Halbrand I suggest we set history aside for the moment and show some restraint.
00:10:42 00:10:45 Halbrand Let's try not to antagonize these people.
00:10:45 00:10:47 unnamed Captain. The Queen Regent is occupied.
00:10:47 00:10:50 unnamed As is Chancellor Pharazôn. I suggest that you...