The orcs take prisoners

S1E3 00:02:49—00:04:52

Named Speaking Characters


Subtitle Speech Lines

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00:03:27 00:03:28 Lurka Get to it.
00:03:33 00:03:36 Lurka You there! Anchor him.
00:03:36 00:03:38 Lurka Toss him out with the rest.
00:03:38 00:03:41 Vrath You toss him out with the rest. I had sun duty yesterday.
00:03:42 00:03:45 Lurka You'll stay in the sun till you're black as coal
00:03:45 00:03:46 Lurka if Adar wills it.
00:03:47 00:03:50 Vrath For Adar, then. But not for you!
00:03:56 00:03:58 Vrath For Adar.
00:04:09 00:04:11 Vrath Rest's over, slothabout.
00:04:11 00:04:13 Vrath Now dig.