Bronwyn warns her village

S1E2 00:44:26—00:45:47

Named Speaking Characters


Subtitle Speech Lines

Until I get permission, results will not contain the full dialogue.

00:44:45 00:44:47 Bronwyn Watch it!
00:44:45 00:44:47 unnamed Easy now,(3 words)
00:44:51 00:44:53 Waldreg What do(6 words)
00:44:53 00:44:55 Bronwyn I mean(7 words)
00:44:55 00:44:59 Bronwyn It was(15 words)
00:44:59 00:45:01 Waldreg The ground(8 words)
00:45:01 00:45:04 Waldreg And Crookfinger(6 words)
00:45:04 00:45:06 unnamed Mmm.
00:45:04 00:45:06 Bronwyn I saw(4 words)
00:45:06 00:45:07 Bronwyn Dug deep,(5 words)
00:45:07 00:45:10 Bronwyn By what,(11 words)
00:45:10 00:45:13 Bronwyn I tell(9 words)
00:45:13 00:45:14 Bronwyn We must(5 words)
00:45:14 00:45:17 Waldreg No! I(8 words)
00:45:17 00:45:20 Waldreg I've seen(9 words)
00:45:21 00:45:24 Waldreg and without(9 words)
00:45:24 00:45:27 Bronwyn Waldreg, we're(4 words)
00:45:27 00:45:29 Bronwyn Ostirith is(6 words)
00:45:29 00:45:31 Waldreg Yes, I(9 words)
00:45:31 00:45:33 Waldreg back on(6 words)
00:45:33 00:45:37 Waldreg Havin' them(12 words)