Elrond apologizes to Disa

S1E2 00:36:05—00:40:48

Named Speaking Characters


Subtitle Speech Lines

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00:36:06 00:36:08 Durin One apology to Disa and you're off.
00:36:08 00:36:10 Durin No getting better acquainted.
00:36:10 00:36:15 Durin No reminiscing about the past. And absolutely no staying for dinner.
00:36:15 00:36:17 Elrond Understood.
00:36:17 00:36:19 Disa Aulë's beard! No!
00:36:19 00:36:21 Disa This cannot be Elrond, can it?
00:36:21 00:36:24 Elrond I fear so, fair lady.
00:36:31 00:36:33 Disa Durin didn't tell me you were coming.
00:36:33 00:36:34 Durin Durin didn't know.
00:36:35 00:36:38 Elrond I've been remiss in not visiting sooner.
00:36:38 00:36:41 Elrond An oversight, for which I am here to humbly ask forgiveness.
00:36:41 00:36:44 Disa You're staying for dinner.
00:36:41 00:36:44 Durin He's leaving.
00:36:44 00:36:45 Disa He's staying.
00:36:44 00:36:45 Durin He's leaving!
00:36:45 00:36:46 Disa He's staying.
00:36:49 00:36:53 Durin Hey! I told you two to stay out of my heads!
00:36:53 00:36:57 Disa And I told you wee monsters to stay in bed.
00:36:57 00:36:57 Disa Oh, come on!
00:36:58 00:37:01 Disa Gerda! Gamli! Come on, hurry along.
00:37:01 00:37:02 Gerda Ow!
00:37:02 00:37:04 Disa Make yourself comfortable, please.
00:37:05 00:37:07 Durin But not too comfortable.
00:37:08 00:37:09 Disa Gamli, please.
00:37:09 00:37:12 Durin It's off to the salt mines the both of ya!
00:37:12 00:37:15 Durin Cave-trolls and stalagmite spiders galore!
00:37:25 00:37:27 Elrond How did you two first become acquainted?
00:37:28 00:37:31 Disa I was resonating a freshly-opened chamber,
00:37:31 00:37:34 Disa fairly confident we were onto a sizable silver deposit...
00:37:34 00:37:37 Elrond Resonating? I've not heard of resonating.
00:37:37 00:37:39 Disa It's when we sing to the stone.
00:37:39 00:37:41 Disa You see, a mountain's like a person.
00:37:41 00:37:46 Disa It's a long and ever-changing story made of countless small parts.
00:37:46 00:37:48 Disa Earth and ore, air and water.
00:37:49 00:37:53 Disa Sing to it properly, each of those parts will reflect your song back to you,
00:37:53 00:37:57 Disa telling you its story, showing you what might be hidden,
00:37:57 00:37:59 Disa where to mine, where to tunnel, and...
00:37:59 00:38:02 Disa And where to leave the mountain untouched.
00:38:02 00:38:04 Elrond It is a beautiful tradition.
00:38:07 00:38:12 Disa Anyway, we're unpacking our tools, and my team suddenly grows quiet.
00:38:12 00:38:14 Disa Then, I see our prince.
00:38:14 00:38:16 Disa He's come to check on us.
00:38:16 00:38:18 Disa Far below his purview, mind you.
00:38:19 00:38:21 Disa First, I thought it merely curious.
00:38:21 00:38:24 Disa That is, until he showed up at our next survey.
00:38:25 00:38:29 Disa And the one after that. And the one after that.
00:38:29 00:38:31 Elrond Always did have a talent for lurking.
00:38:31 00:38:34 Disa Took weeks before he worked up the courage to court me proper.
00:38:34 00:38:36 Durin Two weeks at most.
00:38:36 00:38:39 Disa It was five.
00:38:36 00:38:39 Durin You're lying.
00:38:39 00:38:40 Durin She's lying.
00:38:40 00:38:42 Durin She may play coy now,
00:38:42 00:38:46 Durin but she was a moon-eyed girl in love from the moment we met.
00:38:46 00:38:47 Disa Oof!
00:38:47 00:38:49 Durin Mmm!
00:38:50 00:38:52 Elrond A very happy match, indeed.
00:38:52 00:38:54 Durin Should've been at the wedding.
00:38:55 00:38:56 Disa Enough.
00:38:57 00:38:59 Disa Your friend is here now.
00:39:00 00:39:02 Disa Can we not take joy in that?
00:39:02 00:39:03 Durin He's not here for us.
00:39:03 00:39:06 Durin His king sent him here to take what's ours.
00:39:06 00:39:09 Elrond To the contrary. Coming to Khazad-dûm was my idea.
00:39:09 00:39:11 Elrond And I have asked for nothing but your ear.
00:39:11 00:39:13 Durin Aye, and that's how it starts.
00:39:13 00:39:16 Durin And soon enough, we're left with our thumbs in our eyes.
00:39:16 00:39:19 Durin Elves for Elves, no?
00:39:16 00:39:19 Elrond Has it ever been so between us?
00:39:19 00:39:21 Durin I don't know! Has it?
00:39:19 00:39:21 Disa Aulë's beard!
00:39:24 00:39:26 Disa Can you not find a way to mend this?
00:39:33 00:39:35 Elrond I see you planted the sapling.
00:39:36 00:39:39 Disa Planted it. Raised it up.
00:39:39 00:39:42 Disa Tends it like it's our third child.
00:39:43 00:39:45 Disa What sort of tree is it, exactly?
00:39:46 00:39:49 Elrond A seedling of our Great Tree in Lindon.
00:39:50 00:39:52 Elrond The very symbol of our people's strength and vitality.
00:39:53 00:39:54 Disa Some called him a fool
00:39:55 00:39:58 Disa for believing it would grow in such darkness.
00:39:58 00:40:01 Elrond Where there is love, it is never truly dark.
00:40:02 00:40:05 Elrond How could it not grow in a home like yours?
00:40:14 00:40:15 Disa You're not leaving already?
00:40:16 00:40:18 Elrond I fear I've overstayed my welcome.
00:40:18 00:40:21 Elrond Thank you, Disa, for your hospitality.
00:40:23 00:40:24 Elrond Durin.
00:40:32 00:40:33 Durin Sod it, sit down.
00:40:34 00:40:37 Elrond Please. I hardly wish to intrude.
00:40:34 00:40:37 Durin I said sit.
00:40:37 00:40:38 Elrond Are you certain?
00:40:38 00:40:42 Durin No. And I'm still angry. Tell me about your king's proposal
00:40:42 00:40:45 Durin so I can decide whether to present it to my father
00:40:45 00:40:47 Durin or toss it in the nearest slag pit.