Médhor and Arondir return to the fortress

S1E1 00:41:27—00:42:11

Named Speaking Characters


Subtitle Speech Lines

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00:41:27 00:41:28 Médhor Anything to report?
00:41:30 00:41:31 Arondir Nothing out of the ordinary.
00:41:34 00:41:35 Médhor And the well...
00:41:37 00:41:38 Médhor How was it?
00:41:39 00:41:41 Médhor Did you draw some water?
00:41:42 00:41:43 Arondir We are awaited at Ostirith.
00:41:46 00:41:48 Médhor Have you considered the consequences I might face
00:41:49 00:41:51 Médhor if the Watchwarden were to discover what it is that you're doing?
00:41:52 00:41:53 Arondir Afraid I don't take your meaning.
00:41:53 00:41:55 Médhor It's difficult enough keeping watch over them
00:41:55 00:41:57 Médhor without having to keep one eye squarely on you.
00:41:57 00:41:58 Médhor Or do you think me blind?
00:41:58 00:42:02 Arondir No. I think you talk too much.
00:42:02 00:42:04 Arondir And you smell of rotten leaves.
00:42:04 00:42:06 Médhor No, I don't.
00:42:06 00:42:07 Arondir Yes, you do.