Episode Timeline


Named Speaking Characters

Sail Master


S1E3: Adar

00:06:59 00:08:57 The ship arrives in Númenor
00:08:57 00:11:01 Landing in Númenor
00:11:01 00:15:26 Halbrand and Galadriel are bought before Míriel
00:15:26 00:17:06 Isildur testing at sea
00:17:06 00:18:40 The sailors on land
00:18:40 00:20:58 Míriel meets Elendil
00:26:33 00:28:40 Elendil finds the escaped Galadriel
00:28:40 00:29:50 The ride to the Hall of Lore
00:29:50 00:32:34 Halbrand steels a crest
00:32:34 00:34:07 Halbrand fights the guild men
00:34:07 00:37:18 Elendil and Galadriel seach the lore
00:51:08 00:54:23 Elendil reunites with his younger two children
00:54:23 00:57:21 Galadriel visits the imprisoned Halbrand
00:57:21 00:58:08 Míriel visits her ill father

S1E4: The Great Wave

00:02:59 00:04:34 Míriel’s dream
00:04:34 00:04:44 Míriel wakes up in bed
00:04:44 00:05:07 Tamar rabble-rousing in Armenelos
00:05:07 00:05:49 Kemen and Pharazôn at the market in Armenelos
00:05:49 00:08:55 Tamar continues his rabble rousing
00:08:55 00:11:24 Míriel addresses Galadriel
00:11:24 00:11:42 Galadriel is locked up with Halbrand
00:11:42 00:13:00 Isildur sabotages their final test
00:13:00 00:14:06 Valandil, Ontamo, and Isildur argue in the streets
00:34:57 00:35:49 Kemen flirts with Eärien
00:35:49 00:38:48 Halbrand and Galadriel in prison
00:38:48 00:40:08 Isildur and Eärien argue at dinner
00:40:08 00:45:24 Galadriel confronts Míriel in the King’s chambers
01:01:32 01:06:43 Míriel has a change of heart and volunteers are called to Middle-earth

S1E5: Partings

00:12:05 00:14:02 Rallying the ships at Armenelos
00:14:02 00:14:53 Kemen and Eärien talk
00:14:53 00:17:26 Halbrand meets with Míriel
00:21:09 00:24:57 Galadriel teaches sword skills
00:24:57 00:27:12 Kemen confronts his father
00:27:12 00:28:10 In the King's Tower
00:38:06 00:39:02 Tavern party
00:39:02 00:41:11 Isildur confronts Valadnil and Ontamo
00:41:11 00:43:42 The Gunpowder plot
00:43:42 00:45:01 Míriel has doubts
00:47:30 00:48:07 Galadriel pleads with Halbrand to support her
00:48:07 00:51:11 (brief overlay of Waldreg's men bowing to the orcs)
01:02:10 01:07:10 The ships set forth

S1E6: Udûn

00:08:51 00:12:54 Isildur looks for sight of land
00:12:54 00:13:29 Land has been sighted

S1E8: Alloyed

00:11:47 00:12:46 Pharazôn prepares for the death of the king
00:12:46 00:14:14 Tar-Palantir warns Eärien
00:14:14 00:14:44 Eärien finds the Palantir
00:32:45 00:33:09 Ship returns to Numenor
00:33:09 00:36:17 Míriel and Elendil plan below deck
00:36:17 00:37:16 The ship comes in sight of the city
00:37:16 00:37:31 Tar-Palantir has died

S2E3: The Eagle and the Sceptre

00:09:40 00:10:40 Elendil and Eärien attend the king’s funeral
00:10:40 00:12:47 Míriel comforts a grieving mother
00:12:47 00:15:10 Pharazôn talks with Míriel
00:15:10 00:17:58 Eärien conspires with Kemen and Pharazôn
00:17:58 00:18:52 Míriel discovers her palantir is gone
00:53:55 01:00:15 Míriel’s coronation goes badly

S2E5: Halls of Stone

00:15:18 00:17:13 Pharazôn chafes under the yoke of death
00:17:13 00:19:42 Míriel tells Elendil to remain the calm at the storm’s eye
00:19:42 00:22:57 The Faithful are stripped of rank
00:22:57 00:23:30 Pharazôn eyes the palantír
00:39:32 00:45:45 A ceremony of the Faithful is interrupted